Swimming is a great way to remain cool, whether camping by a lake, river, or ocean. Swimming or participating in an intense water sport can help you stay in shape and possibly increase your heart rate. Playing their favourite board games or sharing ghost stories by the campfire are some ways for kids to pass the time.
A game of truth or dare can spice up a dull camping day and foster more camaraderie among participants. Playing this game with children is also entertaining.
Another simple and enjoyable way to pass the time at the campsite is to play card games. For instance, all you need is a deck of cards and a little bit of room to play Jenga. Alternatively, engage in a game similar to "Minute to Win It," such as mini-golf, bowling, or cup stacking.
Using a water bottle with stickers and other decorative accents is one of the best ways to remain hydrated when camping. A ring toss or alphabet tag game is another entertaining method to add interest to drinking water. With a glow-in-the-dark ring-toss set that has received more than 4,100 5-star ratings on Amazon, you can even take it outside.
Quiet time is an essential component of any camping vacation, whether your family prefers to read, play games, create crafts, or just watch the clouds move. While some families plan quiet time into their holiday itinerary, others are more laid-back and simply make time for it whenever they can.
Ring toss is a great game to play at camp; all you need are a few stakes and some rings. Here's how to play this easy, family-friendly game, according to Sixth Bloom.
Experiencing dusk or dawn brings you back in touch with the natural world and is a soothing and fulfilling activity. You might even be lucky enough to see a shooting star! Take into consideration visiting nearby natural hot springs for a more immersive camping experience.
One of the most traditional camping activities is telling stories while sitting around a campfire. For the children, keep it playful or explore eerie ghost stories with a twist.
Stargazing is another fantastic camping pastime, and you can use a program called SkyView to identify constellations in the night sky. Instead, look out for the eerie local mythology surrounding your campsite, such as this one from Camping With Us regarding the Broom Town Curse.
You can also try a pleasant game of tug-of-war or Frisbee to see who can throw their disc the farthest. Even better, gather attractive leaves, pine cones, or flowers, then press them between sheets of paper to create some natural rubbings.
While an extensive scavenger hunt may be challenging in a tent, campers in RVs or cabins have lots of outdoor space. Forming teams, hiding team flags, and then competing to see which team can retrieve its flag the earliest without being tagged is an entertaining concept.
Two Truths and a Lie is another fantastic group game that requires little setup or supplies. The other players attempt to determine which of the two truths and one falsehood each person has revealed about themselves.
By making them into contests, you can also turn even tedious tasks like chopping wood or packing up the tent into enjoyable camping activities. For instance, see who can gather and pile wood for the fire the quickest or who can clean up the campsite the best.