Celery juice, one of the newest health fads to take over social media, is gaining traction among average people, celebrities, and top medical professionals. It's possible that not all of the benefits associated with consuming this beverage are real. Juicing eliminates all of the fibre, which supports the growth of beneficial bacteria in our stomachs, helps us feel full, and improves gut health.
Celery juice is a powerful cleanser. It relieves bloating caused by water weight and aids in toxins removal. Moreover, celery juice boosts metabolism while improving digestion and reducing inflammation, which aids in weight loss.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities of celery juice may help reduce joint discomfort and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Moreover, the antioxidants in celery juice aid in the battle against free radicals, which harm cells and hasten the ageing process.
Making your own celery juice at home is simple. In a juicer or blender, just cut your celery and blend it with water or coconut water until it becomes smooth. Then, strain the juice through a fine-mesh sieve or nut milk bag to get rid of the debris. You can add extra flavour and aroma to your dish by experimenting with different ingredients. Try using organic celery, which has more vitamins and minerals than non-organic kinds, or cinnamon for warmth and sharp citrus flavours.
Although there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, celery juice has long been promoted as a helping hand for weight loss, clearing mental fog, increasing energy, and curing chronic illnesses.
Research on juice fasts suggests they might help people lose weight initially, but after they start eating again, it usually comes back. Aside from that, a lot of cleanses are high in sugar and calories!
Wash everything, including the celery leaves and stalks. To finish the blending and filtering process, feed them through your juicer in batches as needed. Drink right away for the best nutrient absorption; add fresh herbs for aromatic depth, such as basil, cilantro, or mint; cucumber adds sweetness and moisture; filter through a fine mesh to get rid of pulp; and enjoy! You can keep your juicer juice in the fridge for up to 24 hours, but don't keep it in there longer as the nutrients will start to quickly disappear.
Although celery is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable that is rich in water, its fiber content is lost when it is juiced, which could hinder weight loss and intestinal health. Furthermore, different types of juice are frequently added to the beverage in order to cover up its bitter flavour and increase its sugar and calorie content.
Some people assert that there are numerous benefits to celery juice cleanses, ranging from chronic illness treatment to detoxification. Regretfully, there are no scientific studies to back up these assertions, and it might be risky to lose weight quickly by adhering to such a rigorous diet.
Anthony William, the New York Times best-selling author also known as "Medical Medium," is credited with making celery juice famous. He has a large social media following and is endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow and Naomi Campbell. He claims to have a special talent for "reading" people's illnesses and then providing treatment recommendations.